
Sacred Meditations with Maan Aanandee

the cosmic mother

Maan Aanandee serves souls to embrace the Magnificence of their true selves, to expand the beauty of creation that they truly are, while going through the initiations of their life journeys.

The Cosmic Mother is a nurturing force of unconditional love, wisdom, and healing energy. Her presence is a celestial embrace, a guiding light that emanates from the very heart of the Universe to illuminate the magnificent creator within every being.

Featured Meditations

Profound healing meditations channelled through the boundless wisdom of Universal Intelligence Maan Aanandee.

Embrace your magnificence as a Creator

“Feeling all the creative juices from the ocean of consciousness, pulsing through me. Simply Magical. Never wanting to leave. Thank you Maa Anandi for yet another mind-blowing healing meditation.”


“The channelled Meditation with Maa Anandi, the expansion tonight was out of this world, literally! Words fail me right now of the expansiveness, the love, the tears, the embrace from the Cosmic Mother. To really truly feel who I am without all the limitations that were forced upon me is utterly impossible to reflect in words.”


“Thank you Maa Anandi for channelling one of the most amazing meditations I have ever been to. Try as I may, I cannot write words to fully express tonight but I can say it was everything and much, much more.”
